I have been absolutely down for the count since the baby brought home something and then sneezed and...
Bits And Bobs
I definitely have ebbs and flows to my… I don’t know how to put it. Online participation? It’s...
Tannin & Mordant Experiments Part 5: Mighty Cochineal
I was a little hesitant when I decided to incorporate cochineal into my dye experiments. While it’s an...
Handy Andy Crib Quilt
I had already made the baby a quilt. It was one I drafted before she was born, then...
Tannin & Mordant Experiments Part 4: Indian Madder
As promised, here are my samples of Indian madder (aka R. cordifolia). Which, spoiler, I enjoy working with...
Tannin & Mordant Experiments Part 3: Dyer’s Madder
Madder is a white whale for me. Or, to be more specifically, a lovely, deep pure madder red...
Tannin and Mordant Experiments Part 2: Golden Marigold
I love dyeing with marigold. I love it for the ease with which you can use it; it’s...
Tannin and Mordant Experiments Part 1: It’s All About The Tannin (And Mordant)
In 2021 I decided I was going to do a whole series of natural dye experiments, not focusing...